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Geography of India


India is located in the south of Asia and with other countries conform the Hindustan region. It is the seventh largest country in the world and the second most populated behind China.

Political Map of India, Political Map India, India Political Map HD

India was formed by accident, millions of year ago an enormus peninsula crashed in Asia and formed the Himalayas and the Hindus Kush muntains two that limit India from the north, in the southeast the bay bengal sea, in the southwest the Arabian sea, and finally in the south the Indian ocean.

La fusión del Himalaya libera contaminantes de hace décadas - EL ...

Throughout the years India has changed capital three times, the first one was Kolkata, also known as Calcutta, then the british colonized the territory and changed the capital to Delhi because it was the political and economic center of the country, and the last one that remains until today is New Delhi that was inagurated in 1931.

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In India there are a lot of different terrains,wich leads to a lot of diferents weathers.
In the west you will find the Thar desert where the weather is obviusly very hot and dry.

Do you know the epic story about the formation of Thar Desert ...
The oposite happens at the north, there you can find very large jungles, and going even depper there you will find a very fertile place called Ganges Plain thanks to the natural springs that comes feon the himalayas, this area is very important for the country since half the country depends of the agriculture.

Llanura Indo-Gangética - Wikidata

In summary the weather in India is very varied thanks to the geographic and geologic situation of the country, leaving extreamly dry and hot weathers in the north and very varied trpical climates in the rest of the country.

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Indian's Wildlife

Rare and  Exotic Wildlife Species  Found In  India The Bengal tiger:  They live in India, they are the most known species of the groups of felines, famous for their strength and beauty, these animals are part of the 5 remaining felines subspecies, because at the beginning of the 20th century they extinguished 3 of them. This animal is in danger of extinction since they hunt it as a trophy and parts of its body are used for Chinese medicine.  The Black Buck: It is the fastest of its kind, measuring approximately 80 cm at the height of the cross and weighing between 32 and 43 kilometers, it is currently in danger of extinction because it is hunted for its horns.                       The Indian cobra:   Is feared and respected because it mixes in its venom more than one hundred toxins that kill prey quickly and make it one of the most deadly snakes for people. It is also a religious symbol in India, if you accidentally kill one, you will be imprisoned.                           The eleph